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Autorska dela iz serije pravne pismenosti

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Autorska dela iz serije pravne pismenosti

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Autorska dela iz serije pravne pismenosti

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By formal education, I hold a master's degree in law. However, I believe in the process of lifelong learning and the importance of both formal and informal education. Beyond Serbia, I enriched my education with knowledge acquired in Prague (Czech Republic) in 2017 and at Lund University (Sweden) during 2023.
"Unlocking Insights at Lund University: An Odyssey of Learning and Impact.
In the serene corridors of Lund University, much like the enchanting realms of Hogwarts, I embarked on an intellectual voyage that transcended boundaries.
Sponsored by the prestigious Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals, I was selected among aspirants from the Western Balkan and Baltic regions to delve into the intricate spheres of Multi-level governance, #decentralization, and #humanrights.
Imagine having the privilege of absorbing wisdom from world-renowned lecturers at Lund, coupled with insights from eminent scholars at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights. For me, this wasn’t just an academic pilgrimage, but a rendezvous with destiny.
Beyond the classroom, Sweden unfurled its treasure trove of knowledge through numerous study visits to its illustrious institutions. Each moment was not merely an acquisition of knowledge but a pledge to make a palpable impact.
Empowered with this newfound wisdom, my mission now is not just to retain it but to disseminate it. To create ripples of change, to share, to inspire, and collectively, to sculpt a more enlightened society.”
In addition to numerous trials, I had the opportunity to be the president of the panel once, which as a “title” does not significantly increase duties, nor does it significantly contribute to responsibility, but it is certainly a challenging feeling to have the opportunity to preside over a panel consisting of world lawyers.
I met many lawyers from different countries 🌏, who were also judges. Besides America 🇺🇸, I met many colleagues from South America, but also from Europe, Africa, and Asia. I had the opportunity to judge teams from Belgium 🇧🇪, Brazil 🇧🇷, Venezuela 🇻🇪, Argentina 🇦🇷, Chile 🇨🇱, Colombia 🇨🇴, Spain 🇪🇸, Singapore 🇸🇬, the USA 🇺🇸, and I probably forgot some, but it was so intense that I simply cannot remember all the teams.
This Moot Court is a major affirmation in my life; and as much as I was invited because of my knowledge and experience, I believe that I still gained far more than I actually gave! Although I had the role of a judge, I was primarily judging myself, since I had the opportunity to measure myself as a lawyer and a professional.
Programme: Multi-level governance, Decentralization & Human rights
Programme: Legal data protection and access to public information
Master studies
2022 - 2023: Project coordinator;
2023 - Present: Program manager (Program of decentralization)
2019 - 2022: School Lawyer - legal counselor;
2020 - 2022: Teacher of economics & business;
2020 - 2022: C.A.S. coordinator (teaching in english as part of the International Baccalaureate);
2020 - 2023: University & Career counselor (part of IB department);
Field of work: Compliance assistance for GDPR;
Volunteering - for a civil society organization from Prague, Czech Republic
Volunteering in the programme: "Prague Summer Schools"
I began my career in the field of personal data protection at a Danish company called Better Collective. There, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with GDPR before its implementation and at its onset. I spent part of my tenure in Copenhagen and the rest in Serbia, aligning the company’s operations with GDPR. Beyond my corporate engagement with data protection, I’ve been actively involved through civil sector work since 2020, when I founded my association “PraviLaw” in my hometown of Niš. Based on the work in my association, I created a unique online platform “Otisak.org” to check the level of personal data protection with public authorities, which is free and available to all Serbian citizens. I directed the second part of my career towards the education system at the “Svetozar Marković” High School in Niš, where I served both as a lawyer (institutional secretary) and as a professor for the subject “Economics and Business”. I also achieved an international educational career within the “IB” program of the International Baccalaureate, where I led project-based learning and advised on admissions to foreign and local universities.
I consider my work in the civil sector as the most inspiring. As a program manager of the National Coalition for Decentralization (NKD), I lead an entire program and dedicate intensive work to the decentralization processes of the Republic of Serbia. Representing NKD, I am a member of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group in the drafting of the action plan for the Open Government Partnership (OGP), managed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia. My career at NKD provided numerous opportunities for several professional publications, one of the most significant being “Formulation and Coordination of Policies in the Regional and Territorial Development Sector” based on SIGMA principles of public administration reform analysis of the Republic of Serbia.
I view my career as one entity divided into three main thematic areas, aiming to satisfy my professional appetites in a balanced manner within following fields:
Publications and intellectual property products authored or co-authored by me.
I am the creator of the concept “Legal Literacy for NON-lawyers”, of which I am immensely proud! Although I have a formal legal education, I never had the desire (nor probably the ability) to practice law in conventional ways in a sense to work in court or become an attorney. My 5 years of experience in educational proffesion showed me that citizens are not prepared at all to navigate themselves through the legal system in which they live. This is where my idea and my unique place come into play. Identifying this gap in knowledge-offering, I created a one-of-a-kind methodology for solving any bureaucratic problem encountered by someone who neither practices law nor was educated to be a lawyer. I introduced this methodology in my book titled “A,B,C of Legal Literacy”, which received support and positive critique from Serbia’s leading experts in law, economics, and the civil sector. To facilitate the practical application of the methodology, I also crafted a specific card deck called “BureauCards“, which are essentially problem-solving cards designed to ease the application of the methodology from the book. The book and cards are accompanied by a unique “Legal Literacy Curriculum” through which legal literacy lessons are most effectively imparted. Currently, I conduct training sessions/lectures in this field to groups or individuals who engage me for this or other areas. To familiarize citizens with a conventional career in law (specifically with work of attorneys), I also created the first legal board game in Serbia “overLAW” (akin to a legal Monopoly). All my creations can be found here on the website. This is just the beginning of my mission to legally educate non-lawyer citizens and spread my legal literacy knowledge to those in need!
Even though I don’t know anything about working in any programming language, I built this site all by myself using WordPress.
I know it’s not much, but it’s enough from one lawyer!
By definition, a philonist is someone who likes to learn and acquire new knowledge. Since I finished my formal education, I have been constantly learning and attending educational programs, which fulfills me and makes me happy.
I know that I won’t become a millionaire from trading cryptocurrencies, but I find this topic very interesting.
I believe that a decentralized system is the future of the economy.
I’m not involved in politics and I’m trying to keep it that way for as long as possible. However, I believe that a democratic-republican arrangement with strong local governments is the most ideal society.
In Canva and Photoshop, I designed my Professionalism Planner, Board Games that I invented, business cards for myself and many professionals, CVs, Company Logos and much more.
I’ve been playing video games all my life and it’s a world I like to escape to when I have time (now less and less). Most played: World of WarCraft, WarCraft III, Skyrim, Rome Total War, Europa Universalis …
When I have time to read, I prefer to grab books of this genre.
In addition, I enjoy researching Slavic mythology, culture and history!
So far I have practiced Aikido, in which I hold a black belt, wing chun, the Russian system, and I am currently practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) recreationally – a total of 23 years, and counting.